Celebrating wedding anniversary: Quotes to honor your relationship

    A couple holding gifts. (Photo by RDNE Stock project from Pexels)

    Celebrating a wedding anniversary is one of the highlights of any married couple. It is a reminder of their vows on their special day.

    It is a celebration of how strong they have become together.

    It was the day when the wife felt like the most beautiful woman in the world, and the husband felt like the luckiest man— when they decided to be one before God. 

    No matter how you celebrate your wedding anniversary, drink coffee or try romantic activities in your area. What matters most is the gift of another chance and year to be with each other. 

    Quotes for celebrating wedding anniversary

    There are some saying that could help us remember how valuable our marriage anniversary could be. These quotes could help us express how we feel about our spouse in a creative way.

    Here are some inspirational quotes you could use on your wedding anniversary.

    You are my home

    A couple cuddling happily on the sofa. (Photo by Andres Ayrton from Pexels)

    “For the two of us, home isn’t a place. It is a person. And we are finally home.” – Stephanie Perkins.

    When you are with the person you love, it does not matter how big your house is, but it is more about spending time with that special someone.

    Before a couple even gets married, they may face many struggles.

    So, when they finally tied the knot, they felt secure being with other for the rest of their lives. Feeling at home means being at peace with the person you trust. 

    Special person to annoy 

    A couple having a good time with their dog. (Photo by Leeloo Thefirst from Pexels)

    “It’s so great to find that one special person you want to annoy for the rest of your life.” -Rita Rudner

    As a wife, it is normal for us to be annoyed with our husband for the rest of our lives.

    Kidding aside, they are like our firstborn children. Sometimes, you just have to keep repeating your instruction daily.

    For instance, your husband’s habit is not to flush the toilet once he is done using it, regardless of how often you have told him.

    On the contrary,  your husband is annoyed whenever he has to wait for you for a long time while you are shopping. 

    Nevertheless, no matter how irritated you are with your spouse, you still find them unique and one of the most significant people in your life.

    Household chores

    A man seems to be showing his cooking skills. (Photo by Gary Barnes from Pexels)

    “Marriage is not just spiritual communion, and it is also remembering to take out the trash.” – Joyce Brothers

    Your wedding anniversary is not just remembering God’s goodness and faithfulness in your marriage.

    However, it is also a reminder that you have household chores to face or responsibilities to do. 

    In addition, marriage is about your covenant with the Lord and facing responsibilities together, such as being a parent.

    Love is about serving and helping each other in all your tasks at home. You are in a partnership that you should be willing to assist when one has so much to carry. 

    Taking time for a long marriage

    A couple at a beach. (Photo by Kindel Media from Pexels)

    “Some people ask the secret of our long marriage. We take time to go to a restaurant two times a week. A little candlelight, dinner, soft music, and dancing. She goes Tuesdays. I go Fridays.” – Henny Youngman.

    Many married couples sometimes forget about having fun together, which could lead to separation or divorce.

    Even though we are great parents to our children and hardworking men and women in our careers, we should remember to nurture our married life.

    Moreover, if we pay attention to intimate time with our spouse, we cannot have a reason to celebrate our anniversary.

    The key ingredient of a lasting marriage involves time and commitment. No matter how busy we are as parents or workers, we should prioritize our marriage. 

    You can do things together that do not need to be expensive. You could spend time watching your favorite movie when the children are asleep.

    Also, you could eat out at various restaurants while you ask your relatives or in-laws to babysit for a while. 

    Busyness and having no time should not be an excuse to treasure your marriage. 

    Loving the imperfection

    A man staring at his partner while having wine. (Photo by Los Muertos Crew from Pexels)

    “I saw that you were perfect, and so I loved you. Then I saw that you were imperfect, and I loved you even more.” – Angelita Lim.

    We say “I Do” to our spouses on our wedding day because we found something in them that is perfect for what we want to be with forever.

    However,, the longer the days, months, and years are together, we see flaws and imperfections. 

    When you live together, you will discover new things about your spouse. Yet, it is your choice to embrace his or her personality, and that is the beauty of marriage.

    It is about loving the person for who they are and loving them even more for their flaws. When we realize that love is about understanding and accepting the person’s good and bad sides, then that is when we would enjoy our marriage. 

    If we are happy in accepting our spouse’s flaws, then we are thankful for another year to celebrate our wedding anniversary.

    On the contrary, if we are only focused on their flaws, we may be complaining about having another year of anniversary. 

    Marriage is all about forgiveness, acceptance, and hope for the best version of our partner through God’s grace.

    Besides, it is about being humble enough to accept that we are not perfect for our spouse.

    Falling in love many times

    A woman holding a rose and another hand. (Photo by Budgeron Bach from Pexels)

    “A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person.” – Mignon McLaughlin.

    Sometimes you do not feel like you love your spouse because of their attitude or the situations you face as a married couple.

    Occasionally, we may hate our husbands for being insensitive to our feelings. 

    Also, husbands sometimes hate their wives for nagging them. Marriage is not always happy and in love.

    However, the success of our marriage relies on our choice to fall in love with the same person over again despite everything. 

    More importantly, love is not a feeling but a commitment and a promise to fulfill for better or worse, “for richer and poorer,” and in sickness and health. 

    Reality is better than dreams

    A couple appears to be cozy while having wine. (Photo by Jep Gambardella from Pexels)

    “You know you are in love when you don’t want to fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.” – Dr. Seuss

    Love makes you feel like everything is better than your dreams. Most women have an image of whom they would marry and the life they want to have with them when they are young. 

    Then, when they meet their husband, it feels like they have met the man of their dreams. Everything seems so beautiful when we are in love.

    During the first stages of marriage, we think our reality is better than we have pictured. 

    Celebrating our wedding anniversary could help us return to that feeling and cherish our union and love for our spouse.

    Marriage is timeless

    An old man kissing his partner on the forehead. (Photo by Gustavo Fring from Pexels)

    “Our anniversary is just a momentary celebration, but our marriage is a timeless one.” – Unknown

    Celebrating a wedding anniversary is just one day to commemorate your union before the Lord.

    However, marriage takes a lifetime to celebrate love and commitment to your spouse and the Lord.

    Although not every day is a good day between you and your spouse, what matters is the perseverance you both have to make it work for a lifetime.

    In marriage, you must have the courage always to choose each other as you choose to walk in Jesus. 

    In addition, it is a lifetime of hard work. However, you and your spouse must not carry all the struggles alone.

    God is always with you as you continue to pursue your relationship. He is faithful to help you make it work and healthy.

    There may be a lot of changes in your physical image, but the love and appreciation should remain.

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