Where are all the "Adultery Prevention Seminars?" - Divorce Minister

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    Sure, there are plenty of “affair-proofing” marriage seminars. But I am talking about the sort of seminars where pastors talk about adultery and taking personal responsibility for one’s own sins.

    Instead of talking about the horrors of divorce–like pretty much every pre-marital book I read does–why not talk about the horrors of adultery and the destruction it causes?!

    So often, the “Christian” marriage retreats are designed to teach spouses how to avoid divorce and communicate better. That is not all bad.

    However, such teaching and such a focus makes something that is not always a sin–i.e. divorce–of more concern than something that is always a sin–i.e. adultery. That seems to be a backwards priority, IMO.

    Why not return to the basics?

    A seminar could spend time focusing on Proverbs where the Author warns us about the disaster that awaits the man (or woman by extension) who chooses to cheat. That is biblical!


    *A version of this post ran previously.

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