Bible Verse for Anxiety

5 Stories
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    Life of Jesus

    Genealogy and NativityThe genealogy and Nativity of Jesus are described in two of the four canonical gospels: the Gospel of Matthew and the Gospel of Luke. While Luke traces the genealogy upwards towards Adam and God, Matthew traces it downwards towards Jesus. Both gospels state that Jesus was begotten not...

    12 min readjesus
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    God Is So Good

    Photo by: Abel Escobar No sir. Your electricity will not be back on till June 24thand possibly not until June 29th. Saturday night, June 17th, we had a powerful storm blow through Tulsa, Oklahoma, …

    7 min read话题
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    Inspiring quotes for long-distance relationships

    Does a long-distance relationship work? One of the most challenging love stories is trying to love someone miles away from you. Some people do not have a choice but to stay away from their loved ones to sustain their lifestyle. Distance does not just test their love but their trust and patience with each other

    7 min read